
IcreatedcoupleofexamplesfortheShadow4skin.Thesedon'texactlyhaveanythingtodowithcalendarssotheywon'tbeapartofthemaininstallation ...,2017年3月3日—IsispossibletoassigndifferentphotofolderstothemultiplewindowsofthePhotoWidgetsAddon?Itriedbutthetheconfigurationwas ...,Helloalltogether,Ihavetwoquestionstoeditaskin.IhavemodifiedtheShawdow4Skin.Ihavemodifiedtheelements.xml,sothatmycategory“Trip” ...,...

Addons for Shadow4 skin

I created couple of examples for the Shadow4 skin. These don't exactly have anything to do with calendars so they won't be a part of the main installation ...

Photo Widgets Addon of Shadow 4: Multiple sources?

2017年3月3日 — Is is possible to assign different photo folders to the multiple windows of the Photo Widgets Addon? I tried but the the configuration was ...

Editing Shadow4 Skin

Hello all together, I have two questions to edit a skin. I have modified the Shawdow 4 Skin. I have modified the elements.xml, so that my category “Trip” ...

Rainlendar 2.14.3 BETA build 159 (最新測試版) 發布

2019年3月17日 — Newest Shadow4 skin addon: Shadow4-Widgets.r2skin-addon (http://www.rainlendar.net/download/Shadow4-Widgets.r2skin-addon). 最新正式發行版請看 ...

Calendar on Desktop

2018年7月31日 — ... Shadow4-Widgets (2017/3/12) 重要:下載時請按右鍵連結另存新檔 選擇「所有檔案」,並補上「.r2skin-addon」副檔名 天氣面板用台灣WOEID資料: 無奇 ...

Rainlendar 2.0.2 免費行事曆小技巧教學

在左邊的「可用面板」中展開「Shadow4」,透過中間的移動鍵,你可以把原本沒有加入右方「使用中」的某些小面板加進去。像你可以加入「Dual Calendar」(橫幅顯示兩個月的 ...

Rainlendar 2.2 桌面行事曆基本安裝設定完全攻略

切換到「選項」-「面板」,然後將模式選為「進階模式」,左上角的Shadow4會出現許多新的小元件可以加入,像是數位時鐘、年曆、雙行事曆等都是很不錯的小元件,透過中間的 ...


Widget addon for the Shadow4 skin brings new functionality into Rainlendar like photo frame, countdown, file viewer, weather and rss feed reader. Quick Add.


Widget addon for the Shadow4 skin brings new functionality into Rainlendar like photo frame, countdown, file viewer, weather and rss feed reader. Quick Add.

Rainlendar 2.20.1 Pro for Windows 64

Shadow4 皮膚的小部件插件為Rainlendar 帶來了新功能,如相框、倒計時、檔案查看器、天氣和rss 訂閱閱讀器。 快速新增啟用皮膚的快速新增小部件,只需一行文字即可快速 ...